Friday 5 October 2018

Mordheim: City of the Damp

I am very fortunate that the Wolverhampton housemate crew, including Merlin and Matt, have started up a Mordheim campaign and I was only too pleased to stick my oar in. One fateful day in August we managed two battles AND stayed up until 4 am doing the post-battle admin. Now why can't I give that sort of passion to my real job?

The set-up for game one. Didn't get any pics of the second one, sorry.

Haralda's Hirdmen in all their over-exposed glory.

The first game was all about nobbling your opponents' heroes while preserving your own. Predictably, Haralda herself  was taken out of the equation by a fluke arrow ricochet, losing me a piece of wyrdstone right off the bat.

I decide that Rodents of Unusual Size (and armament) are less of a risk than the elven longbow wall.
I decided that rather than face yet more longbow fire from Casper's wood elves, I would try my luck with Matt's skaven (rat-people) instead. Despite their being behind a wall, I felt confident that I could leap over the undefended sections and force a crossing.

My attempt to rush Matt's Skaven fails and I decide to call it a day.

Despite a good showing from my spear-carriers, I couldn't roll well enough to convert my 'knocked downs' into 'out of actions' and decided to bail before i took any more casualties. The Hirdmen dragged their wounded leader back to base camp and spent a long night over cold porridge planning their comeback.

A close-fought engagement between Merlin's elves and Casper's skaven ends in victory for the tree-hugging gits.
Sadly, there is no pictorial record of my triumphant follow-up, which I won mostly by virtue of having enough warm bodies to avoid taking a leadership test for casualties which were the downfall of all my foes. Despite being taken 'out of action' in the first turn (again) by Casper's bee-conjouring mage my leader has become 'hideously scarred' and therefore causes fear in my foes, which was better than I could possibly have hoped for. I hope to bring news of further daring exploits in the star-struck city, which I suspect will occur around Christmas time and be published in April (I'm well aware of my blogging speed).

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