Sunday 16 November 2014

My Lovely Horse

Sorry for a second equine-themed title, but I love Father Ted too much. Good morning's shed time this week, and I can provide the first completed Man-At-Arms.

Basing to follow when I can do a batch.

Horse test results are mixed. Greys came out well, can't wait to add details of tack and rider to give a complete picture. The Chieftain's Black Stallion was less successful. Perhaps black ink would help, ink seems to be my go-to solution for everything nowadays.

I wasn't very good at assembling metal kits when I was fifteen, as these models demonstrate.

Second go-to is drybrushing. After the bascoat and first highlights, increasingly lighter colours followed by ink/wash gets the job done. I just need more inks than brown. This isn't Call of Duty you know!*

Marauder Fashion week: eyeshadow and large axes are IN! 
Marauder skin tests (no animals were harmed) reveal that ink AFTER highlights looks better than the other way round. For black skin, I'm not so sure. It does look nice and shiny, but I fear it may be gilding the lily somewhat. Maybe for just a few models, as it gives a sort of glowing sweat look, just what pseudo-medieval warriors might expect to sport.
Left: Ink, Right, No Ink.

In C12 news, I dropped Guillome off the workshelf and head and shield fell off. At least that meant I could snap the foot standard bearer off his base and readjust him so the base of the flag is on the plastic. Exciting surprise banner poles to follow!

The chap on the far left will be painted in Birmingham colours, to rival Scunthorpe, whose kits bears a more than passing resemblance to Aston Villa, the Brum rivals.

I have been remiss in painting Scaly Sid.
 Archers dragging on, have painted the flights grey, will drybrush white for that feather look.

Isn't brown wash just the best?

Finally. I give you my favourite Horsey, the chestnut one. Brown shades with a touch of red, followed by red drybrush and yet more brown wash have produced a horse-like beast to carry his gallant rider in pursuit of a nice woolly jumper to face the cold winters of the Northlands.

Foot marauders in the background getting ready for their shoot.
 Next week I will show the Banner Poles, make a start on the trolls and complain about the skewbald horse.

*The joke of course being that Call of Duty uses a palette of varying shades of brown and not much else.

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