Tuesday 6 January 2015

Compulsory Post Christmas Bragging.

Yes! Like all bloggers (although a little later than most... blasted work) I must regale you with tales of how my parents are better than yours. Well done Mater et Pater for correctly interpreting the subtle hints I gave: two boxes of knights and one of infantry is on the edge of over-generosity in my book.

Caption competition: Can YOU think of something amusing for this size comparison image?

Assembly is going quite slowly, especially with Grandma's Christmas money gone on Wargames Factory's Saxon Fyrd, which are not as good (reviews to follow) but do feature numerous ranged weapons, which Conquest Games lack.

I took these in the waning rays of evening, and it was a pain to get the light right. 
 I have also acquired darker shades of paint (with mixed results), which have done wonders to my later horsely caprisons. Pics will follow once I've had some proper shed time on Saturday morning.

Horses are smaller than GW, even on bases.
 For those interested, my plan for the army is about 40 each of cavalry, foot troops and archers/skirmishers/slingers. The slingers are being converted by gluing string to model's hands as it's easier than trying to find plastic missile troops from this era, and because slings don't get the love they deserve in historical and fantasy wargaming.

New stuff has reinvigorated my brown-painting instinct.

Next update to include experimental new paints, black ink setbacks, and slingers. Maybe.

Basecoat on the javelin chap, and all the bowmen have flesh base.

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