Friday 24 April 2015

"Lax State of Affairs"- a series of armchair strategy articles.

So, as promised, here are my scattered thoughts on what a campaign game set during The Anarchy should look like. I'm basing these thoughts on my own inventions and this set of things wot I found on the internet, plus a bunch of stuff half remembered from Extra Credits videos on Youtube. I'm keeping all articles on this separate from the main blog, to keep this sophistry away from the people who just like pretty pictures.

Anyway, for starters, what should a game set during the anarchy feature?

  • Your troops dying of dysentery whilst conducting sieges (Strategy)
  • Imprisonment and daring escapes of faction leaders (Diplomacy)
  • Killing peasants and stealing their stuff (Logistics)
Also included, but not featuring witty comments are: Maps, Skirmishing, Big Battles and difficulty in winning.

The last point is something I'm going to exlpain: part of the issue with the anarchy seems to have been that neither side gave up, even when its leader was captured. To  give that sense of a conflict that drags on, tearing Merrie England asunder, I decree that the game shall only end when both candidates agree on who should be monarch of England, and who should renounce their claim.

That's enough chat for one post, to follow will be some draft rules to be tested on captive victims...

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