Thursday, 30 October 2014

We Wuz Robbed.

Sorry for the spoiler-laden title, but I'm very bitter about the paddling I received at the weekend. Credit to JoeySpike for playing intelligently and using resources effectively

The home side, looking so dashing in their period strip.

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Uruks sir, thousands of 'em!

A few months ago I had game with Joey Spike, my LoTR-fan chum who's visiting at the weekend, and there were pics, so I thought I'd give my lovely fans a look. 
The forces of Good pause for the pre-battle cup of tea.

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Battle reports and rumours of battle reports

Today's title comes from the outing my Chaps and Chapettes are getting at the weekend with a Lord of the Rings strategy battle game loving pal of mine. I shall post the edited highlights with totally unbiased commentary tomorrow, or Friday, or whenever.
Artsy shot showing nice side skirts and that awful box.

Monday, 13 October 2014

Hooray for the 12th Century

Mini update following mini session. I've almost finished the Chieftain, minus the side skirts, and added more paint in various places. I do like those tanks, they're so delightfully curvy and sloped armoured and notoriously mechanically unreliable. Made in Britain!!!!
The Chieftain would be a lovely tank if it didn't have that awful box sticking out of the side of the turret,

Saturday, 11 October 2014

(Dawning of) A New Era

New lot of knights all made from lead alloy; only plastic alternatives from Fireforge Games are a bit too big in the flappy cloaks department; have decided to change my era of interest to the Normans and those pretty Conquest Games plastic knights.

Crusader minis knights review: Humans in armour are good, but horses far too spindly and undernourished.