Saturday, 22 November 2014

Another non-update

Just a quick non-post today: I'm off visiting family this weekend and have no time for frivolities like painting toy soldiers.

Here's something interesting that my non-British followers may not be able to watch because it's on IPlayer:

Sunday, 16 November 2014

My Lovely Horse

Sorry for a second equine-themed title, but I love Father Ted too much. Good morning's shed time this week, and I can provide the first completed Man-At-Arms.

Basing to follow when I can do a batch.

Saturday, 8 November 2014

My Little Pony

 Finally found time to slink off to the Mighty Shed this morning, and started on New Stuff, first of which is the Black-skinned marauders. The massive bulging muscles of the models are perfect for highlighting, as are the expressive faces. I'm not sure if I can pull off the gradual shades of dark brown perfectly, but there are lots of marauders for test pieces at least. 

First layer of paint on the black-skinned marauders

Sunday, 2 November 2014

C'est ne pas une update

I was going to paint the ponies today, but some friends came round and we played D'n'D instead.

Here's a mate's blog with baking and crafty things: