Sunday, 29 November 2015

I learn how to resize picture in blogspot

So I've been off work again with the old mental illness, which I'm sure comes as good news to those who want to see me paint as many of the little men (and women) as I can. Speaking of which, I've also got next week off work too!

The secret to good model shots: Hold the camera close to the models

Friday, 6 November 2015

Battle reports pt 2

As you might remember, the last time Joey and I played Kings of War, Bishop Frodo of Tryeaux was soundly trounced, and suffered the humiliation of having his lawn mower dragged away in triumph by the neighbours in Isengard. But he was not idle in the following months: rebuilding his forces and enlisting his allies. When Captain Lurtz marched into the bocage* of Normandy to claim Isengard's tribute, he found himself opposed...

The armies line up. The masses of infantry face each other on my left flank while my light cavalry face Joey's infantry on my right