Tuesday, 19 April 2016

I Ate'nt Dead

Seeing as I haven't updated in a while (work, socialising, all that stuff) I thought it might be worth showing you a size comparison pic of the Bear Mystic from DGS games via Dice Bag Lady. She's a bit big, 32mm rather than 28mm, but one assumes that a shamanistic bear-hugger would be pretty well built. That's my excuse anyway...

Left to right: Crusader, DGS, Perry, and Conquest. Sorry about the lighting. 

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Lax State of Affairs part II: Map and Rules

It's been a while since I posted about Lax State of affairs, but I've finally fleshed out some rules and present them for your viewing pleasure. I've not play tested these at all, so if you have a spin with them, please let me know how it went and how I could improve.

England, circa 1135

Saturday, 2 April 2016

Mission Creep

I know that I do *technically* have enough models, painted and unpainted, for a reasonably sized Anglo-Norman army. Unfortunately the lure of Reasonable Female Miniatures (buy some!) plus the Dice Bag Lady's new selection of heads, with more medieval-friendly hairdos, has led me to spend worrying sums on new stuff. What makes things worse is that at some point I'm going to want a camp element, which will no doubt involve expenditure on tents, camp followers (ooh Matron!) etc.
So, the following post, as well as containing the latest finished efforts, will showcase some of my most adventurous conversions yet, using actual modelling putty.

All but the one on the left are finished, she needs a sling in her hand.