So! I bought some 28mm lead-based men-at-arms from the internet, dragged them into the Mighty Shed and attempted to glue the shields on. Alas! the protrusions from the model's fists onto which the shields are intended to fit proved too large.
A thoughtful sip of my trusty mug of tea, and I thought "I'm going to have to file these down, right after the superglue's dried." Yes dear browser, I put glue on all four before attempting to stick one on.
So, Still wishing to salvage something from the evening, I turned to the Chieftain tank and Japanese WWII aircraft carrier that have been darkening my drawers since Grendel was in short trousers. This (perhaps because I was able to manhandle them without fear of going the way of the Roman Empire) was more fruitful. I now have 6 suspension bits stuck to the sides of a tank (on axle is broken already...) and only the flight deck remains on the carrier. I hope to post pics including the Mighty Shed tomorrow, so you know what I'm blithering about.
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