Sunday, 31 May 2015

The 1200 pt. Challenge

Five months after assembly, I've finally got some models painted, based, and varnished. Plus I can at last post my Crusader Empire knights in full battledress. I can now announce my 1200 point challenge: Paint 1200 points of chaps for Kings of War by the time of their Autumn global campaign. As you know, it was going to be 2000, but I haven't got time. Stupid jobs.

You know what, the shields look pretty good now they're in use.

Monday, 25 May 2015

Journey Into Base

A Miracle! I manage to post the blog update on the same day I did the painting! I've been very bored today. As you can see below, I've put the static grass on the bases that had already been flocked, flocked the bases that had already been gritted etc.

My bases are the regulation 'Old School' green

Thursday, 21 May 2015

2015: A Base Oddessy

Addendum: the previous post should have been called "Shields of all Shades in a Shed", but I only thought of that after then event, so the present title stands testament to my shame.

Anyway, Basing tests!

I found a use for Renedra plastic bases after all!

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Shields in all Shades

Today I went down to the shed after a quick breakfast, and the next thing I knew it was Lunchtime. Fifteen chaps now sport natty painted shields, and there's a few more not far from completion. 

"On the command 'Three', hoist the white flag!"

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Shaping Up Nicely

After a massive paint orgy on Friday, I'm at the stage where quite a few models are in need of basing. Exciting times! I've based up my best examples into impetvs-sized units to give an impression of what the finished army might look like, The units will be single-based, and affixed to a sabot-base. I briefly considered using magnets (like every other blogger seems to be...) but realised that a cheaper solution already exists! Blu-tac! 

This was using my Vallejo greens, which don't seem to work. I am currently mixing blue and yellow to get the colour right.