Thanks to some very generous family members, I was able to bulk-buy some foot knights from the Perry's (command and spearmen advancing) and Crusader miniatures' Norman spearmen in chainmail 2 (spearmen in chainmail 1 looks a bit naff on their website if you ask me)
Crusader spearmen with Perry command figure |
Unfortunately, when I went to buy some black spray paint, noone had any, so I was forced to try dark brown instead. While this is just what I wanted for unarmoured models, it doesn't work for mail, which is best painted with silver tones drybrushed over black.
I later sprayed these fellows brown, meaning I had to paint the mail sections over with black. |
In terms of poses etc. the Crusader chaps are solid but unimaginative, whilst the Perrys' are of course dazzling in form and execution, the only niggles are that they are supplied with cast spears (far too bendy: always use wire) and the provided shields include some round examples which are a little too small for my taste. Another flaw with both sets was that the open hands suffered from casting issues, forcing me to do some hacking with pin vice and clippers to fit the wire spears in place. But still, would recommend.
The other recent purchase was an impulse buy from Warlord, the Hail Caesar* rulebook (plus free plastic box set) and the late antiquity and medieval army lists supplament. Lovely books, wonderful writing style, and plenty of pretty pictures. If you have a spare £30 and a desire to fight ancients battles, I'd give it a go.
Kitbashes combining the Conquest Norman infantry and Medieval archers sprues. The centre chap has some base sawn off to make room for the spear. |
Despite the new addition of models to paint, I have made inroads into the 'to do' box, and may well have my Christmas presents painted, based and varnished 6 months after I got them, which is probably something of a record!
More kitbashing and the hoplites from the free Hail Ceasar box set of my choice |
I regret to announce that despite having played three rather excellent wargames in the past few weeks, I didn't take photos so I can't provide those detailed reports that are so enjoyable to read (I hope), but I will recount to you the events of them for posterity.
Finally got round to doing the flags on these. |
Two weeks last Monday afternoon I headed to Derek's after work for a spot of Lion Rampant. We used his table, extensive scenary collection and beautifully painted High Medievals (many by the talented
Ubique Matt) in a very enjoyable game, despite being won by good dice more than good strategy.
Side view to show flags. |
The second game was with my new housemate Merlin (not that one) and his semi-painted Kings of War dwarves and elves. My plan was more or less unchanged from the last time I faced a dwarf army (see
Bargain-Basement end times for details) except this time I had even less success. Fool me twice, shame on me...
First painted archers |
Finally, on Wednesday last Derek and I joined Matt and Mark (I think that's his name, sorry if not...) for a four-handed game of Pikeman's Lament, the new upcoming rules from Dan Mersey that bring Lion Rampant into the 17th century, with full chorus of pike, shot, flouncy hats, ranters, levellers, diggers etc. The scenario was Patrol: each starting at a corner of the table, we had to cross to the other corner, but the other players were in our way... An excellent evening of skullduggery, shuffling cautiously past one another, and bad dice rolls.
Gripping Beast crossbowmen, which are OK, but nowhere near as good as the Perrys. |
I may well have another game with Merlin tonight, and if it's wargamey I will provide illuminated reports as is my wont. I also plan to have a small campaign in the new house, so keep on the lookout for updates if that gets off the ground. Until next time, folks!
Sample of painted infantry complete with shield designs. |
*Not to be confused with the recently released, and really rather good, film of the same name.
Ahem. You forgot to mention who won the Pikeman's Lament game!
ReplyDeleteModesty forbids and all that :0)
Lovely figures and nice mods. I can tell 'nobby' who came a close second if that's of any use.
ReplyDeleteI did think that your hand gunners let me off lightly. Either that or I just stormed through them.
ReplyDeleteA close second is merely the first loser :0)