Sunday, 28 May 2017

Build Me an Army Worthy of Morcambe

Well, actually the tournament is in Leigh, but that wouldn't work as a pun.

Command group for my Beastman Gors (Tribal Longhorns in Kings of War) with Chieftain on the right with the big axe.

Monday, 1 May 2017

The Battle of Samsung Bridge

A soon-to-be married friend of mine (JoeySpike, if you remember him and his Lord of the Rings chaps) had his non-gender-specific do recently. As the best man, I was planning the culturally acceptable drunken public humiliation, but Joey's alternative plan of having a quiet affair at his place won out, because a) very few people actually enjoy being publicly humiliated and b) it would mean me spending less money.

Then for some inexplicable reason we broke out Joey's models and got gaming...

The setup: Jake (left), Josh (top),  JpeySpike (right), self (bottom)