Well, actually the tournament is in Leigh, but that wouldn't work as a pun.
Command group for my Beastman Gors (Tribal Longhorns in Kings of War) with Chieftain on the right with the big axe. |
I found the (sadly discontinued) female heads from Bad Squiddo Games I lost all those months ago. Turns out I had stored them in a
different multi-part box to the one I thought they were in. I'm very glad, as they feature slightly more ancient/medieval hairstyles than the Statuesque heads Bad Squiddo currently stocks. I'm very glad I bought in bulk when I did. Now I've got a female casualty to give a real sense of what gender equality on the battlefield means.
Casualty from the medieval archers box, with some arrows fashioned from plastic flagpoles and bits of train ticket. The other thing is a secret project |
But what on earth could persuade me to crack on and paint so many models? Why, a wargaming tournament! I wasn't going to attend and disgrace myself by coming dead last by a record margin, but then I saw that 2 points could be scored for merely having your models stuck together, so I thought, "I might have a chance of avoiding humiliation here."
'Dust clouds' to indicate disorder |
so I've finally made a serious effort to get the beastmen done, and put a serious dent in all the plastic I brought back from the parent's house. I post this update as I have done all the models I need for the event, I just need to get all the little things sorted out, like basing, printing out army lists, getting a tray to move the army around quickly*, that sort of thing.
3 more archer types, the arrow the mail-wearing is holding is from the Warlord Games hoplites box |
So, of course, you can expect a long series of posts where I provide pics of my army, the other armies, the battles, the food, the accommodation etc. Tournament in on the 3rd of June so I'd expect the first summary post will be up by Christmas.
Based paladins with a shepherd-type whom they are sworn to protect. I think the scrap of wool in his left hand was originally a casting fault, but it look quite nice as is. |
Oh yes, there are a few more things painted, but they don't quite fit the theme of the army and are going straight into storage.
It's a skull, Hans! |
*Of course, as my army consists mainly of inexpensive infantry, it doesn't actually fit on the tray, but there we are...
Very nice figures, looking forward to see how you get on with the tournament.