One thing about moving house is that you go through all your wargaming stuff and find not only the models you painted badly at the age of 16, but also all the models you failed to paint at the age of 16.
Some well sculpted Perry Men of Gondor. The photograph makes them look a lot better painted than they actually are. |
The box of unfinished models is very full at the moment, and as I'm expecting a platoon of heavily armed rodents (
see here) in December, things will only get worse before they get better. I have decided to declare a moratorium on buying new models until the completion of 'operation cupboard clearout' (cribbed shamelessly from
3 started, only 39 more to go |
Besides the legions of hoplites, the muster of Middle Earth and miscellany of 13th century types I still need to do, there are still plenty of 'Mechs to be done. I am down to the last half dozen or so, but I'm suffering from 'heavy metal fatigue' about the whole business. The Battlemaster in winter camo is a particular struggle, at least 3 layers of highlights to do on 3 different colours. ugh.
My first attempt at a checkered pattern has gone rather well |
I am, however, quite pleased with my jet-fighter inspired paint schemes though, especially the Locust, which is taken almost verbatim from the F-86 Sabre. It's ashame most modern paint schemes for jets are just camo and grey. Polished metal, yellow and checkerboard patterns really look the part.
Some attempts at decals, the two on the left (Stinger and Phoenix Hawk) feature an attempt at the kite-in-a-circle from Super Dimensional Fortress Macross, the Thunderbolt on the right sports Fang of the Sun Dougram insignia |
In gaming news, Matt has suggested a Mordheim skirmish campaign between warbands. Better, I've found another wargaming club in Liverpool. Will have to do a recce soon.
Extra details on the guns. The Phoenix Hawk (left) was supposed to have white text on a red arrow, but there's a little too much white so it blurs together into a sort of pink |
Not really any other news. so I'll let you view the rest of the pics at your leisure. This post took a couple of weeks to write, so there are a lot more snap-worthy models to post. I hope to get an update of this soon, but don't count on it.
These men of Gondor were missing sword hands, which I replaced with Conquest Games Norman sword arms. You can't see the join. |
Some examples of my new pin-vice in action, Man of Gondor with a hole made in his hand for a replacement spear and orc with pinned on axe to give him a halberd |
I've put actual viking runes on my orc shields, they seem to fit the part |
Yet more models, in this case the heroes of Helms Deep, yet to be painted |
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