Monday, 16 December 2019

Achtung Bagpiper!

20 mm Bagpiper (Britannia miniatures, sadly lacking kilt) with some fine brushwork on the tartan.

I wanted to get a figure, rather than a counter, to indicate force morale on the Chain-of-Command tracker (The Afrika Korps already have some surrendering chaps for this purpose) so I have a bagpiper. It only really works for Scottish units, but as the 51st Highland were at El-Alamein and the 15th Scots were in Normandy, that's the two theatres I have campaign packs for covered.

Saturday, 23 November 2019

Some of these aren't technically tanks

Universal carriers: Spot the difference.

Note: universal carriers, not having a turret, are not tanks and therefore part of a balanced model painting diet. Which means the tanks and armoured cars to follow are entirely justified.

Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Tanks Again!

My mental health hasn't been great lately. This means plenty of models have been bought as retail therapy and painted in my secluded underground lair so there is plenty of content for the blog. Every cloud eh?

Airfix 1/76 T-34, assembled by my uncle, painted by me. During painting I gummed up the joint so unfortunately the gun doesn't elevate any more.

Friday, 1 November 2019

Tank Politics

Local miniature painter saves £££ time with this one simple trick! Don't bother painting camouflage on tanks, just do one colour. In all seriousness though, the Caunter Stuart has been in the "to do" draw for months and I've only just finished it, but the Valentines I bought last month have had the final layer of varnish on within weeks.

Non-binary pride Stuart (left, Plastic Soldier Company) and asexual pride Valentine (Right, Armourfast).

Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Warning: Small Pics Ahead

My current camera setup (mobile phone camera and sun/room light), while delightfully cheap, certainly has limitations when trying to capture smaller models or group shots. It doesn't help that I'm not a photographer by any stretch of the imagination. Nonetheless, I have recently discovered *new features* on the phone cam which will grace future updates...

The 2 mm tanks now based on 20 mm round washers. Not done much else in this scale, but I have the models, just need to get the paint on them.

Monday, 30 September 2019

No Scrubs

After the somewhat ironic title (I've finished quite a few bits of scrub) I hereby present part one of my painting progress.

Marauders marauding amongst 20mm scale scrub.

Saturday, 7 September 2019

In Which Suzanne is Over-Agressive

I absolutely promise that this battle report will not contain any crowing about my tactical genius, charismatic leadership, coolness under fire etc. Nor will it include any cheap shots at Suzanne's gaming skills.

Well, maybe just a few....

Saturday, 6 July 2019

Slaves to Dorkness

I think my favourite strategy for getting stuff painted is to have four or five projects on the painting table at once, so that the desire to avoid painting one of them spurs you to paint another. Here is a case in point, I've started re-painting my chaos warriors (the first models I ever owned) for use in a future Kings of War army.

Re-painted Chaos warriors, now back in bold, bright colours with little regard for artistic coherence. Just as they should be. Flash used.

Sunday, 30 June 2019

Cretan Holiday

I recently received a fan-mail from asking me when my coverage of the Four Foot Snake Thing will be uploaded here. This post is something of a reply.

I've been  getting very CoC-ky with my posts lately.

Sunday, 7 April 2019

Unusually Timely Update

Some of you on social media will already have seen the new tank, unless I've been buried in the algorithms.

Another example of my unusual vehicle marking conventions: British white-red-white vertical stripes square converted into trans pride flag.

Thursday, 4 April 2019

Scenary and Storage Solutions

Preparation for my Easter gaming sesh continue apace. By the time I started writing this update, I will had already finished some of the models shown in progress here.

Various British support options arranged amongst scratch-built houses. L-R: Vickers machine gun, 2" mortar , barbed wire and sniper team.

Sunday, 3 March 2019

Not Everything is Finished

I recently realised that most of my posts lately have featured fully painted and based models, so today's update is all about the things I have on the go. To start this off I present my finished British infantry platoon for North Africa. Wait a moment...

British infantry platoon for Chain of Command, airfix (old H0-00 and newer 1/72) Desert Rats and Grubby Tanks (both 20 mm ranges). The scale isn't perfect but it does allow variety in the poses.

Thursday, 21 February 2019

Werewolves of London

I've not got a full army photo yet as I spent this evening wrestling my 40mm x 40mm based figures into my new carrying case inserts. I absolutely refuse to attempt that feat again without good reason so you'll have to wait until after this weekend's tournament.

Mierce Miniatures werewolves. Gorgeous models, but at £15 apiece only for special occasions.