Sunday, 26 November 2017



The beavers in question. Sold by Bad Squiddo Games, originally a North Star product

Sunday, 19 November 2017

More Stuff I Haven't Painted Yet

One thing about moving house is that you go through all your wargaming stuff and find not only the models you painted badly at the age of 16, but also all the models you failed to paint at the age of 16.

Some well sculpted Perry Men of Gondor. The photograph makes them look a lot better painted than they actually are.

Saturday, 7 October 2017

Initiate Enhanced Imaging!

After three days in my basement/dungeon being forced to listen to the Archers at uncomfortably loud volume, some mates were persuaded to play Battletech. Unfortunately I was too busy explaining the rules to take photos, but fun was had, even if it did peter out at the end.

What I've got for you today is a solo scenario I invented as part of a narrative campaign.

"Stormhammers" (a paramilitary force aligned with House Steiner) with a bunch of big scary Assault 'Mechs 

Monday, 4 September 2017

'Mechs 'Mechs 'Mechs

Exciting news in Kings of War, the long prophesied Global Campaign started last weekend, so I've been celebrating celebrated by painting my 'Mechs.

I'm not sure whether the indistinctness of the Wolverine (left) is due to my excellent camouflage painting skills or rubbish photography skills. Also Shadow Hawk (centre) and Locust (right).

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Lawyers, 'Mechs and Money

Remember that lawsuit I mentioned in the last post? Well it turns out that some 'Mech designs and art have been creeping a little too close to the original designs, and Harmony Gold are suing again. A very appropriate time to talk about my latest (and hopefully final mech-related) buy.

The 3rd edition, chock full of 80's art and bad casting.

Thursday, 29 June 2017

Not Even Justice, I Want to Get Truth!

Today's title comes from Fang of the Sun Dougram, and the link between an influential giant robot anime and toy soldiers will be made clear later in this post. 

Wolverine (left) and Shadow Hawk (right) from Fang of the Sun Dougram, Phoenix Hawk (centre) from Super Dimensional Fortress Macross

Saturday, 3 June 2017

Not a Complete Disaster

Here follows  my account of the Haven from the storm tournament at St. Mary's church, Leigh. I would make more fuss about this, but as games were on the clock I was too busy generalling and strategering to take photos. Not that it helped. The three pics shown here were taken during our lunch break.

The chaps (and chappettes) on parade during the lunch break. I had to take every single model out of the carrying cases and individually place them in ranks. 

Sunday, 28 May 2017

Build Me an Army Worthy of Morcambe

Well, actually the tournament is in Leigh, but that wouldn't work as a pun.

Command group for my Beastman Gors (Tribal Longhorns in Kings of War) with Chieftain on the right with the big axe.

Monday, 1 May 2017

The Battle of Samsung Bridge

A soon-to-be married friend of mine (JoeySpike, if you remember him and his Lord of the Rings chaps) had his non-gender-specific do recently. As the best man, I was planning the culturally acceptable drunken public humiliation, but Joey's alternative plan of having a quiet affair at his place won out, because a) very few people actually enjoy being publicly humiliated and b) it would mean me spending less money.

Then for some inexplicable reason we broke out Joey's models and got gaming...

The setup: Jake (left), Josh (top),  JpeySpike (right), self (bottom)

Saturday, 8 April 2017


I thought I had uploaded these chaps at an earlier stage of painting,
but I hadn't, so after goodness knows how many years, I've finally given the trolls of my early years a good paintjob.

Fresh from their parent's basements, the trolls roam the land in search of mountain dew to drink and insulting comments to add to forum threads

Saturday, 25 March 2017

The Bishop! (part two)

Today's update features some almost-but-not-quite-finished models. I'll be varnishing them tomorrow, but I thought some work in progress stuff was overdue.

Ok Devious, don't move!

Sunday, 5 March 2017

Ultima Ratio Regis

"The Last Argument of Kings", which terribly quotable monarch Louis XIV had written on his cannons. I've painted up that lovely gun I got on the cheap, as well as most of the monks, a 'Mech and a peasant.

Dynamic action shot, as I mentioned, colour scheme based on the Arsenal football strip.

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Monday, 30 January 2017

I've been very baaaad

In this season of post-Christmas purging, like many gamers I made a small resolution not to buy any more models until I've painted the ones I have. This recently went out of the window when a retailer had an online bargain bin sale with a few things I wanted at knockdown prices. The lure of cheap models with the fear of limited stock is such a terrible snare.

No apologies for the pun.